Bhabotosh Sutar

  Bhabotosh Sutar is a highly acclaimed Indian sculptor known for his exceptional craftsmanship and contributions to the field of art and culture.

Anirban Das

Anirban Das is recognized for his innovative approach and artistic flair in the realm of contemporary sculpture, adding dynamism to the artistic landscape.

Sushanta Paul

Sushanta Paul is renowned for his intricate craftsmanship and visionary creations, enriching the artistic realm with his distinctive style and creativity.

Sanatan Dinda

Sanatan Dinda is celebrated for his profound artistic expressions and innovative interpretations in Durga Puja art, captivating audiences with his spiritual reverence and attention to detail.

Subrata Mridha

Subrata Mridha is known for his exceptional talent and captivating Durga Puja artworks, blending tradition with innovation to create immersive cultural experiences.

Subrata Banerjee

Subrata Banerjee is acclaimed for his exquisite Durga Puja creations, harmonizing tradition and modernity to evoke profound cultural resonance and admiration.

Rintu Das

Rintu Das is a renowned Durga Puja artist celebrated for his intricate designs and thematic presentations, seamlessly blending tradition with contemporary elements.

Prasanta Pal

Prasanta Pal is acclaimed for his masterful Durga Puja installations, intertwining tradition with innovation to create captivating cultural narratives that resonate deeply with audiences.

Sanatan Rudra Paul

Sanatan Rudra Paul is distinguished for his awe-inspiring Durga Puja artworks, infusing traditional motifs with creative brilliance to enchant spectators and evoke spiritual contemplation.

Partha Dasgupta

Partha Dasgupta, a Kolkata-based visual artist, revolutionizes Durga Puja aesthetics with innovative, site-specific installations and explores digital and socio-economic themes through his multifaceted art and research.

Rabin Roy

Rabin Roy, an accomplished painter, is known for his emotionally evocative works in various mediums, and has earned accolades like the Camel Art Foundation Zonal Award and the Academy of Fine Arts Certificate of Merit.

Sanatan Rudra Paul

Sanatan Rudra Paul is distinguished for his awe-inspiring Durga Puja artworks, infusing traditional motifs with creative brilliance to enchant spectators and evoke spiritual contemplation.